EndPoints - Changelog
Version 1.0.0
- Added CreateSurface component.
- Added CreateAlignment component.
- Added AlignmentNames component.
- Added SurfaceNames component.
- Added options for land export.
- Added top menu toolbar.
Version 1.1.0
- Added IFCExport component.
- Added IFCElementAssembly component.
- Added IFCSchema component.
- Added options for ifc export.
- Various bug fixes.
Version 1.2.0
- Added licensing system.
- Various bug fixes.
Version 1.2.2
- Fixed problem with ignoring last assembly element member properties.
- Fixed issue when IFCAssemblyElement properties are not set.
Version 1.3.0
- Added CreateCrossSection component.
- Added input for setting IFCElement name in IFCExport and IFCElementAssembly component.
- Added option to export IFC using IFC 4.3 schema for building, bridges, marine, road and railway structures.
- Added option to export IFCElementAssembly using IFC 4.3 schema for building, bridges, marine, road and railway structures.
- Added components with IFC enumeration for facility types and facility parts.
- Added options in settings tab for IFC 4.3 export.
- Fixed bugs in settings tab. Some settings were not saved.
- Fixed minor bugs.
Version 1.3.1
- Added support for IrregularLine in (Land)XML files.
- Fixed bugs in license loading system when incorrect license is provided or PC is not connected web.
- Fixed minor bugs.
Version 1.3.2
- IFCExport exports meshes with double precision points. No need to move geometry towards GCS origin for proper export.
- Fixed bugs compatibility between IFCSchema output and IFCExport imput (incorrect string for IFC4.3). Changed IFC4x3 to IFC4.3 naming.
- Fixed minor bugs.
Version 1.3.3
- IFCExport dependencies update. Export to IFC schema 4.3 corresponds to schema IFC 4.3 ADD2 (official bSI specification).
- Updates railway part enumerations.
Version 1.3.4
- Updates license file loading system and settings file loading. License evaluation is not performed during loading. Automatic loading causes crash during loading and was removed.
- Updates IFC menu combo box.
Version 1.3.6
- The coordinate system in XML file (EPSG code) is automaticaly checked against existing coordinate systems. If the coordinate system is found and is usable, the coordiantes are transformed accordingly.
- Adds user input for coordinate system (EPSG code) for AlignmentNames and SurfaceNames components.
Version 1.3.7
- Fixes minor bugs.
- Changes arrangement of CreateSurface output data tree.
Version 1.3.8
- Fixes minor bugs.
- Adds option to select if hidden faces of surface will be ingoner or not during import from LandXML.
Version 1.3.9
Version 1.3.10
Version 1.3.11
- Fixes minor bugs.
- Surface component run even for surfaces with no faces and points.
- Add header for inframodel.
- Disables multithreading for alignment import (crashes Rhino 8).
Version 1.3.12
- Updates EPSG reference reading from https://EPSG.io to https://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/ as https://EPSG.io API changed.