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EndPoints - LandXML


About EndPoints

Hello dear Grasshopper user. Thank you for your interest in EndPoints plugin. The EndPoints plugin was developed for the purpose of importing alignment and digital terrain model (DTM) into Rhino/Grasshopper from (Land)XML files and export your building/bridge/tunnel or other to IFC file format. The imported elements (alignment and DTM) are intended to serve as initial input for design of various infrastructure parts (e.g. bridges, tunnels, rail and road structure).The purpose of IFC exporter is to provide users with an easy-to-use but sufficiently comprehensive option for producing IFC files directly from Rhino/Grasshopper. However, how the plugin is utilized is entirely up to the user.

Contact: EndPointsonline@gmail.com
Website: Ondřej Janota

About LandXML

LandXML schema is an open-source project for sharing topography of terrain data. It is widely used in civil engineering, especially in transportation sector. Most of the software used in civil engineering is able to import and export data to LandXML format. The official LandXML schema website can be found at http://www.landxml.org/. There are multiple LandXML schemas. The EndPoints plugin was tested against schema 1.0 and 1.2. Schema 1.1 and 2.0 (working draft since 2014) should work as well but was no tested. In case of any inconvenience with schema 1.1 and 2.0, please contact author.

License and pricing

License and pricing policy for EndPoints plugin can be read here.


Version: 1.4.0
Developed for Rhino 6 and higher.

Orientation in plugin

With the installation of the EndPoints plugin two new features will appear in the Grasshopper.

Parts of EndPoints plugins

New tab in the top menu bar (1) with the plugin settings and new tab in the ribbon menu (2) with plugin components.

Coordinate system and units

Grasshopper is unitless and units depend on the actual unit system setting in Rhino. However, LandXML is not unitless, and automatic unit conversion was not included into LandXML import engine. It is up to the user to know LandXML units and set similar units in the Rhino.

Coordinate system does not play role in the import. According to the point definition written in the LandXML scheme definition, point coordinates are defined as "northing easting" or "northing easting elevation". Therefore coordinate system is not evaluated and all coordinates are imported in format "Y X Z" as they are written in LandXML file.


Surface in LandXML is be represented by TIN surface or GRID surface. Both cases are implemented in EndPoints plugin. A surface in LandXML is written as a collection of numbered points and faces. Faces can be defined by 3 or 4 points. Surface source data (boundaries, breaklines, contours etc.) are not imported to Grasshopper as they are not important for our cause.

Load .XML file with surfaces

To import a surface from an .XML file, you must first select the surfaces for import from the .XML file. To read all surface names in .XML file use SurfaceNames component.

Read surface names

The SurfaceNames component has two inputs and two outputs. First input parameter, PathToXML is string containing path to .XML file. The input parameter Header is optional and should be used only if for unimplemented LandXML schemas. For implemented schemas, see About LandXML section.

The output parameter SurfaceNames is a list of all surfaces present in the .XML file. Second output parameter Namespace is a plugin class with the information about the general .XML data and coordinate system.

Select surface

Next step is to select which surfaces user wants to import. This is fully up to user, and the selection should be performed according to user's habits.

Different surface selection

Create surface

A surface can be created in multiple ways but always with CreateSurface component. Final surface can be represented by mesh (fast but less accurate), unjoined triangle/quad surfaces (fast and accurate), or by joined surface (slow and accurate). For more information see settings section.

Different surface selection

The CreateSurface component has three inputs and one output. First input parameter, SurfaceNames, is list of selected surface names which will be created. The parameter Boundary is optional. If user provides list of closed curves to this parameter, only part of the triangle/quads with all corner points inside boundary will be created. Inner/outer point location is assessed according to projection to word XY plane. Z coordinate is neglected. If a boundary is applied, the imported surface can be divided into multiple parts in some cases. If the whole surface is outside curve nothing is created. Note that only closed curves can be used as boundary curves. If open curve is a boundary curve, it is ignored. The parameter Namespace is mandatory and corresponds to the SurfaceNames output parameter Namespaces. It provides the component with the information about .XML file, so file does not have to be reopened.

The output parameter Surface is list of all imported surfaces represented by mesh/list of surfaces or single brep. Output Breaklines is a tree of all imported breaklines (curves) which belongs to the imported surfaces. Breaklines cannot be part of the surface or surface can consists only of the breaklines.

If the import is performed correctly, the message "Done" with the information about the computational time is shown below component. In case of large surfaces, it is convenient to import surface first as a mesh or unjoined surfaces and then apply the boundary curve. Please keep in mind that joining the surface into one large brep is the most CPU time consuming operation.


Alignment (a general 3D curve) in LandXML is represented by horizontal and vertical profile curves. Both curves are defined by multiple geometrical entities. The horizontal profile (XY plane center line) is usually made up of straight lines, arcs, and transition curves. Transition curves are named spirals in LandXML. Please note that only spiral "Clothoid" type is implemented in EndPoints plugin. Other possible spiral types can be found here. If an unimplemented spiral type is present, the CreateAlignment component will produce a warning message. In that case please, contact author and provide a .XML file to author. I will gladly implement new spiral types to EndPoints if possible.

Unimplemented SubCurve

The vertical profile (XZ plane profile curve) is represented by ProfAlign or ProfSurf type curve. ProfAlign is created by points of vertical intersection (PVI), parabolic curves (ParaCurve), unsymmetric parabolic curve (UnsymParaCurve) or arcs (CircCurve). ProfilAlign is typically used for road and rail profile curves. ProfSurf is represented by list of 2D points (PntList2D). ProfSurf is typically used for exporting intersection of two surfaces (e.g. terrain and road slopes). Both types and all geometric entities of profile curves are implemented in EndPoints.

Load .XML file with alignment

To import an alignment from .XML, start by selecting alignment (horizontal profile) and profile (vertical profile) names for import from the .XML file. To read all alignment and profile names and other alignment data in .XML file, use AlignmentNames component.

Read alignment names

The AlignmentNames component has two inputs and five outputs. First input parameter, PathToXML, is string containing path to .XML file. Input parameter Header is optional and should be used if the LandXML schema is unimplemented. For implemented schemas, see About LandXML section. The EPSGCode input is optional and should be used if EPSG code (coordinate system) in XML file is missing or is incorrect. EPSG code is usually four digit number representing coordinate system. For more info about EPSG code and and coordinate systems visit https://epsg.io/ website.

Output parameter AlignmentNames is a list of all alignments (horizontal profiles) present in the .XML file. Second output parameter, ProfileNames, is a tree of all profiles (vertical profiles) present in .XML file. The numbers of profiles can be higher then number of alignments, as one alignment can contain multiple profiles. Each branch contains all profiles which belong to the alignment at the same position as branch number. In some cases (not so unusual), start and end stationing of horizontal and vertical profiles may not match. Alignment points which are not inside both domains cannot be calculated as only part of data is present. Therefore, output parameters StartSta / EndSta were presented. Both outputs are trees with a min./max. valid stationing that can be reached on the alignment for each profile. Minimum stationing is always max. value of (vertical profile start stationing; horizontal profile start stationing). Maximum stationing is always min. value of (vertical profile start stationing; horizontal profile start stationing). Tree structure of StartSta / EndSta matches structure of ProfileNames output. Last output parameter, Namespace, is a plugin class with the information about the general .XML data and coordinate system.

Select alignment (horizontal profile) and profile (vertical profile)

Next step is to select which alignment and profile user want to import. This is fully up to user and selection should be performed according to user's habits. However, the order of alignment and profile should always respect following rule: alignment's list index is always equal to first index of the branch in the profile's Data Tree. Of course, you can select multiple profiles for one alignment.

Alignment and profile selection

Create alignment

Alignment can be created in with CreateAlignment component. Final curve is represented by a NURBS curve on a proper coordinate.

Alignment creation

CreateAlignment component has six inputs and outputs. First input parameter, AlignmentNames, is list of selected alignment names. Second input, ProfileNames, is a Data Tree of selected profiles associated to each alignment. If above-mentioned alignment and profile order convention is not respected and profile name does not match associated alignment name, warning message is shown. Input StartSta and EndSta are optional inputs. It is Data Tree of required start and end stationing for each imported curve. If stationing inputs are not used, alignment curves are created in their whole length according to min./max. valid stationing.

If start or end stationing input is defined by user, it must present as a Data Tree with value for each required profile. If user set stationing which is outside min./max. valid stationing warning message will appear and input will be ignored. The parameter Namespace is mandatory and corresponds to the AlignmentNames output parameter Namespaces. It provides the component with the info about .XML file so file does not have to be reopened. Last input parameter, Step, is optional and represents the distance between consecutive points which are used for alignment curve creation as well as calculation of transition curves points. If Step value is not defined, value defined in active setting profile is used. Otherwise, input parameter overrides value defined in settings and can be set individually for each component. Please note, if step value is too small it can increase computation time needed for alignment import. If step value is too large, it will decrease precision of imported curve.

Output parameter Alignment3D is a Data Tree of all alignment 3D curves imported from .XML file. Second output parameter, AlignmentXY, is a Data Tree of all alignment (horizontal profiles) imported from .XML file. Horizontal profile curves are placed in world XY plane according to its coordinates in .XML file. Output parameter Profile is a Data Tree of all profiles (vertical profiles) imported from .XML file. Vertical profile curves are located in world XZ plane. Their X coordinate correspond with the stationing and Z coordinate with the elevation stated in .XML file. The AlignmentXY and Profile outputs are always imported in full length, which is present in .XML file. On the other hand, Alignment3D is imported only between min. and max. stationing. Moreover, each vertical and horizontal profiles are imported as a list of sub-curves which represent profile parts. Last parameter, Difference, is a Data Tree of values with calculated length deviation between min./max. stationing and length of particular Alignment3D curve projection to XY plane. If the Step value is set correctly, and import was performed correctly, Difference should be close to zero. With greater values of Step, deviation can increase. It is up to the user to define limit that can be considered sufficient.


Cross-sections in LandXML represents section curves at defined stationing. Cross-sections can represent surface profiles on defined stationings or parts of designed structure (assemblies/subassemblies) (road, railway etc.). Each cross-section consists of sub-cross-section curves. In general, cross-sections can be defined in different ways. Some of the sub-cross-section curves can be defined incorrectly (duplicate points, curve defined by two duplicate points etc.). In that case point/sub-cross-section curve is skipped. and warning message is produced.

Create cross-sections

To import cross-sections from .XML, start by selecting alignment (horizontal profile) name from AlignmentNames component output. Based on the selected alignment, corresponding cross-sections imported and placed in XY plane. Vertical position of the cross-sections is dependent on point Z coordinates written in .XML file.

Import cross section

The CreateCrossSection component has four inputs and six outputs. The first input parameter, AlignmentNames, is a list of strings containing names of the alignments for which we want cross-sections to be imported. Input parameter StartSta and EndSta, are list and are optional. Using these parameters, user can set the stationing interval on which cross-section will be imported. If one of the inputs is not set alignment start or end stationing will be used. The input parameter Namespace is mandatory and corresponds to the AlignmentNames output parameter Namespaces. It provides the component with the info about .XML file so file does not have to be reopened.

Output parameter CrossSectionsCurves is a Data Tree of all imported cross-sections/surface profiles on the selected stationing interval. Each branch corresponds to one stationing where the section is defined. Parameter SectionCurveNames is a Data Tree with the names of all imported sub-cross-sections on selected stationing interval. Parameter CrossSectionsStationings is a Data Tree with the stationing of all imported cross-sections on the selected stationing interval. Output parameter DesignCrossSectionsCurves is a Data Tree of all imported designed cross-sections on the selected stationing interval. Each branch corresponds to one stationing where the section is defined. Parameter DesignSectionCurveNames is a Data Tree with the names of all imported designed sub-cross-sections on selected stationing interval. Parameter DesignCrossSectionsStationings is a Data Tree with the stationing of all imported designed cross-sections on the selected stationing interval.

LandXML Settings

After clicking the LandXML Settings button in top menu bar, the plugin settings option dialog appears. Here, you can set up different options for surface and alignment. Various import settings can be also created and saved for future use.


Dialog consists of two tabs with various settings for surface and alignment import. Top dropdown menu contains predefined and saved profiles. If user did not set any setting profiles, default profile is always used. New profiles can be easily created and saved for further use. To apply settings or save/load/delete profile, use the buttons at the bottom of the dialog.

In Surface tab following options are present:

In Alignment tab following options are present:

*Parallel computing is used in specific parts of import. Using parallel computing may not lead to speed up import. See time result under the CreateAlignment/CreateSurface component.

**If value is equal or smaller then 0, maximum number of processors is used.

***Alignment's defining points are calculated from horizontal (X, Y coordinates) and horizontal (Z coordinate) profile with specific algorithm. Algorithm divide profile curve to defined number of segments where Z coordinates are searched.

Best practices

Sample files

Sample files on GitHub.