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EndPoints - IFC


About EndPoints

Hello dear Grasshopper user. Thank you for your interest in EndPoints plugin. The EndPoints plugin was developed for the purpose of importing alignment and digital terrain model (DTM) into Rhino/Grasshopper from (Land)XML files and export your building/bridge/tunnel or other to IFC file format. The imported elements (alignment and DTM) are intended to serve as initial input for design of various infrastructure parts (e.g. bridges, tunnels, rail and road structure).The purpose of IFC exporter is to provide users with an easy-to-use but sufficiently comprehensive option for producing IFC files directly from Rhino/Grasshopper. However, how the plugin is utilized is entirely up to the user.

Contact: EndPointsonline@gmail.com
Website: Ondřej Janota

About IFC

IFC schema describes the built environment, including buildings and civil infrastructure. It is an open international standard (ISO 16739-1:2018). Schema is vendor-neutral and has the potential to be used across wide range of devices and software platforms. IFC schema has many different use cases. IFC schema specification is the primary technical deliverable of buildingSMART International to fulfill its goal to promote openBIM®. So far three versions are official (IFC 2x3, IFC 4 and IFC 4.3).

License and pricing

Export to IFC is based on xbim library (xbim toolkit, license), for which I am very grateful to the creators of the xbim toolkit library.
License and pricing policy for EndPoints plugin can be read here.


Version: 1.4.0
Developed for Rhino 6 and higher.

Orientation in plugin

With the installation of the EndPoints plugin two new features will appear in the Grasshopper.

Parts of EndPoints plugins

New tab in the top menu bar (1) with the plugin settings and new tab in the ribbon menu (2) with plugin components.

Coordinate system and units

Grasshopper is unitless and units depend on the actual unit system set in Rhino. However, IFC is not (SI units are always used). Automatic unit conversion is not included into IFC export engine. As the main part of IFC is graphical data and its dimensions depend on Rhino unit system, only the length unit matters. Ifc length units depends on the actual Rhinoceros units. If the Rhino length units are set to one of the following units:

Ifc length unit will be set according to Rhinoceros units. If not, IFCExport will produce a warning message and Ifc unit will be set to meters.

Coordinate system can be defined in Ifc with IfcCoordinateReferenceSystem (for IFC 4.3). However, geometry is always exported as it is located in Rhino. Coordination between different structures is key in civil engineering and not all disciplines work in global coordinate system, the origin point and rotation from X axis can be defined for IFC export.

Export to IFC

IFC is very complex and wide-purpose schema. It is not possible to cover all possibilities offered by IFC schemas. The main purpose of EndPoints plugin is to simplify IFC production directly from Rhino/Grasshopper. The exporter is focused on creation of IFC files, which should be used for coordination and delivery both geometry and non-graphical data. In some cases export options may be limited. For successful export, rules described in Input data structure rules section must be followed. As different clients, companies and countries develop their own standards proper sorting of data before export and how to get data inside Grasshopper is up to the user.

IFCSchema component

IFCSchema component is simple value picker parameter with predefined implemented IFC schemas. IFC schemas 2x3, 4 and 4.3 are implemented.

IFCSchema component

IFCFacilityTypes components

IFCFacilityTypes components are set of simple value picker parameters with predefined IFC Facility types and its sub-types. These value pickers are valid only for export to IFC4.3 schema. For IFC2x3 and IFC4, building is always used. Since IFC4.3 schema not building but facilities are exported. Facility can be six different types. Each facility has its sub-types.

IFCFacilityTypes components

Facility sub-types values are enumeration defined by IFC schema, specifying further facility type. For each facility new to IFC4.3 value picker with permitted values was created. Userdefined option was removed as it was marked as wrong by buildingSmart validation service.

FacilityTypesEnumeration components

IFCFacilityParts components

IFCFacilityParts components are set of simple value picker parameters with predefined FacilityParts. These value pickers are valid only for export facilities new to IFC4.3 schema. For building export stories are always used as facility parts. Each facility consists of different facility parts.

IFCFacilityParts component

IFCExport component

The component has multiple input parameters. The first parameter, Export, triggers the export if all necessary inputs are provided and boolean true is input for this parameter. The use of the native Button is assumed for Export parameter. FileName is the name (without .ifc extension) of created IFC file. Directory is the path to the directory where IFC file will be saved. IFCSchema input parameter is a string with the version of IFC schema. The use of the EndPoint IFCSchema component is assumed for IFCSchema parameter. Input CRS is inner class with coordinate system. This input is optional additional and applicable only for IFC 4.3 schema. The use of the EndPoint IFCCRS component is assumed for CRS input parameter. Input ProjectName is optional parameter. User can set name of a project. Inputs FacilityType, FacilitySubType FacilityName are optional and specifies what type of facility structure is, its name and sub-type. If IFC schema 2x3 or 4 is used, structure is always exported as building. If FacilityType is building FacilitySubType is neglected automatically.

IFCExport component

The optional parameters FacilityPartsNames and FacilityPartTypes are trees with the names and types of all IfcFacilityParts classes which will be defined inside the IFC file. If input is not provided, no parts are defined in the IFC file and all IfcBuildingElement/IfcBuiltElements classes are part of the IfcFacility (IfcBuilding, IfcBridge, IfcMarineFacility, IfcRoad, IfcRailway) class. If tree is provided, then IfcBuildingElement/IfcBuiltElement classes are matched with the IfcFacilityPart according to tree paths. If FacilityType is set to building or IFCSchema is 2x3 or 4, FacilityPartType is neglected automatically (building storeys are used). The parameter Geometry is a tree with all geometry which will be exported to IFC file. The Geometry parameter takes only meshes, and each mesh is exported as single IfcBuildingElement. The parameter ElementAssemblies is a list with internal classes containing wrapped information about IfcElementAssembly classes. The use of the IFCElementAssembly component is assumed to generate this input list, and no additional information for this input is needed. IfcElementAssembly is created only if its FacilityType match FacilityType required for IFCExport. Each class in the list will be exported as a IfcElementAssembly class with defined stories, IFC types, properties, layers and colours. However, both the Geometry and ElementAssemblies inputs are optional, at least one must be present. Otherwise, a warning message is shown, and IFC file is not created. The ElementNames input parameter is optional. User can define name property of each element exported into IFC file. Input ElementMaterials is optional. User can defined IfcMaterial property of each exported element. The Colours parameter is optional and must be a tree with colours defined as RGB (3 x integers in range 0 to 255). Tree structure must match Geometry tree structure. Each mesh should have a defined colour. However, if number of defined colours in tree path is smaller than number of meshes in same tree path, the last item in actual path is used as a colour for missing colours. If the Colours input is not defined, then the default transparent color is used for all elements. IFCElementTypes parameter is optional and must be a tree with strings (case-insensitive) defining types if IfcBuildingElement. Tree structure must match the Geometry tree structure. Each geometry input should have a defined IfcElementType. The default IfcBuildingElement set in the IFC settings is used if IFCElementTypes input is not defined. IFCElementPredefinedTypes input parameter is optional and must be a tree with strings (case-insensitive) defining predefined types for each IfcElement. Predefined types are defined in IFC schema. Enumeration for each element type can be defined with value pickers in the ElementPredefinedTypesEnums containers.


List of implemented IfcBuildingElements/IfcBuiltElements:

Optional parameters UDAKeys, UDAValues, UDAPSets are trees used for defining the non-graphical information for each IfcBuildingElement. Structure of these trees must match each other and correspond with the Geometry input tree structure. The ruling element is always UDAKeys, which represent names of the non-graphical attributes. According to the path and position inside the actual item of UDAKeys, corresponding values of non-graphical attributes and property sets names are retrieved from UDAValues and UDAPSets inputs. Default attribute value "Value_not_defined" and property set name "Not_defined" are used if there is no item at the same position. All non-graphical attributes are exported as IfcPropertySingleValue. The parameter UDAIFCTypes is optional and can be used for the definition of IfcPropertySingleValue nominal value types for each non-graphical attribute. Tree structure of strings (case-insensitive) must match the structure of UDAKeys. IfcPropertySingleValue type set in the IFC settings is used if the parameter is not defined. List of implemented IfcPropertyValues nominal value types:

Note that even if all UDA values are inserted as strings, they must be convertible to the type regarding the defined UDA Ifc type (e.g., if IfcReal is required, string must be convertible to a decimal number etc.). If conversion is not possible, attribute is written in IFC file as IfcLabel, and warning message is shown. Definition of units for non-graphical is not implemented and default units, possibly derived from SI units, are used. The optional parameter IfcLayers is a tree with names of layers in which elements will be placed. Each Geometry item is matched with layer according to its path. If IfcLayers input is defined but not matched with Geometry item, no layer is used. Input parameter IfcGroups is optional. Structure of input is tree with names of group in which elements will be placed. Each Geometry item is matched with group according to its path. Input parameter IfcSystems is optional. Structure of input is tree with names of systems in which elements will be placed. Each Geometry item is matched with system according to its path.

Optional parameters OriginXCoor, OriginYCoor and OriginZCoor can be used to define vector between of Rhino's local coordinate system (in which geometry is defined) and Rhino's global coordinate system (in which IFC file will be located, points measured, and coordinated). The last parameter, Rotation, can be used to define angle between X axis of Rhino's local coordinate system and Rhino's global coordinate system. A positive value is measured from Rhino's' global X axis in the counterclockwise direction. The angle can be inserted in degrees or radians according to a selected option in the IFC settings dialog.

Output parameter File path is a path to the created .IFC file.

IFCElementAssembly component

The component has multiple input parameters which function in the same way as inputs for IFCExport component. However, there are few differences. If data for IFCElementTypes is not provided, all members of each IfcElementAssembly are type of IfcMember. The input Geometry is mandatory and not optional. All elements in each branch of the input tree are grouped into one IfcElementAssembly. Each member in Element assembly has facility part and layer. Color and IfcType can be set separately for each member of the element assembly. UDA properties are set only for element assembly and not for each member.

IFCElementAssembly component

Output parameter ElementAssemblies is a list of plugin internal classes with wrapped information (facility type, facility part, geometry, layers, names colors, non-graphical information) about element assembly. This output should be only inserted to input parameter ElementAssemblies of IFCExport component.

IFCCRS component

Input parameter CRSName is a string with the name of CRS and correspond with Name attribute of IfcCoordinateReferenceSystem. Input parameter CRSDescription is string with the informal description of this coordinate reference system according to Description attribute of IfcCoordinateReferenceSystem. Input parameter GeodeticDatum is string with name by which datum is identified according to GeodeticDatum attribute of IfcCoordinateReferenceSystem.

IFCCRS component

Output parameter CRS is a internal classes with wrapped information about coordinate reference system. This output should be only inserted to input parameter CRS of IFCExport component.

Input data structure rules

To export all data properly, it is necessary to follow rules for inputs tree data structures. These rules are described in the following flowcharts. Generally, total length of paths of your branches does not matter, but inputs have to have same path indices, and some inputs have to have depth length one index longer or shorter. Only in this case are geometries with proper attributes matched correctly.


IFCExportFlowChart IFCDataStructure1 IFCDataStructure2


IFCElementAssemblyFlowChart IFCDataStructure3

IFC Settings

After clicking the IFC Settings button in top menu bar, the plugin IFC settings option dialog appears. Here, you can set up different options for IFC export. Various export settings can be also created and saved for future use.


The dialog consists of four tabs with various settings for IFC export. The top dropdown menu contains predefined and saved profiles. If the user has not set any setting profiles, the default profile is always used. New profiles can be easily created and saved for further use. To apply settings or save/load/delete profile, use the buttons at the bottom of the dialog.

In the General tab, following options are present:

*Parallel computing is used in specific parts of export. Using parallel computing may not lead to speed-up export. See time result under the ExportIFC component.

**If a value is equal or smaller than 0, maximum number of processors is used.

In theIFC 2x3 tab, following options are present:

In IFC 4 tab, following options are present:

In theIFC 4x3 tab, following options are present:

IFC validation

Correctness of exported IFC files was tested with buildingSMART International validation service. All files are correctly written except in cases when geometry is written as tessellation. In this case IfcCartesianPointList3D should have only one attribute but XBIM engine wrote two (possible in IFC 4x1 schema and higher). Tessellation error should not have impact on the IFC functionality, and software capable of showing IFC should work correctly. Unfortunately, it is not in author's capacities to perform enough tests to ensure all user exports will work absolutely smoothly. If you observe any errors or inaccuracies, please contact the author.

IFC validation IFC validation IFC validation Tessellation_error

Best practices

Sample files

Sample files on GitHub.